Friday, April 17, 2009

Does it to Me Every Time April 17, 2009

Exactly 8 months until my birthday today, just in case anyone needs to start making any monetary saving arrangements. One would think that my birthday excitement would fade as I age. But no, apparently I’m like a little kid that likes to make everyone aware. On the actual day however, I just like to sit back and see how many people remember. I know all this because my darling brother-in-law Ryan told me this past year how I make my birthday a “big deal”. Well, excuse me for wanting to celebrate life, jerk. To make matters worse, he forgot to call me until the evening to tell me happy birthday. Seriously, how rude. I’m hoping to heal from my bitterness by the time my next birthday arrives. 8 months from now (please make note). (ps No brother-in-laws feelings were hurt in the writing of this blog)
As far as reading goes, I have read a bit more in Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. I’ll be honest, I think I probably would have stopped reading it by now if I weren’t blogging about it. A big turnaround from my brownie comments, I know. Where was the collapse? It’s non-fiction! It does it to me every time. Anyway, I’m not giving up on it yet. Kingsolver still has a beautiful way of putting words together that I do enjoy. So I will continue on, although I may need to find some other novel as my reading escape. I am so a nerd.



Unknown said...

I totally agree with you about the whole birthday thing. I do the exact same thing. I still really love my birthday. And I don't really think that will change. It is a whole day dedicated to you. How can that not be a great thing. Any who. I now know there is another like myself because I was starting to think that I was alone.

Sue D. Nim said...

Yay! That's good to know. PS When is your bday?

Sam said...

I have a completely different view on birthdays. I won't write it because I'll sound like a jerk. Good day sir.

Sue D. Nim said...

I would like to hear your view on birthdays, then I can decide if you are a jerk or not.