Wednesday, May 13, 2009

500 days of Summer photo collage video

Is anyone seriously as ready as me to see something this romantic and heart wrenching? I can feel the intensity, even with the start of the music. I understand that this is a movie that is retelling a story about love, but what happens at the end? I want it to work out, I want the love story to not end there but to blossom into new beginnings and not bitter ends.(Did I really just exclaim that I want something to blossom?) I want this to be the story that I put myself into, that I put my boyfriend into and that I am confident in saying, this is true love, real life. The photo collage makes me joyful and heartbroken all at the same time. I love this fucking movie already.
PS...I know that I cussed at the end of this post. Just had to disclaimer it. I only say the words that I truly mean, and I mean them.


Sam said...

over due for a blog update