Cliffside Pictures of Montano De Oro

So funny. Shay's arms behind me.

Casey aka Bear Grylls

I think they both need a shave!

My favorite camping group ever! Oh how I love thee(s)!
We saw snakes and ticks and crabs, OH MY!
I pretty much already knew I wasn't a camper, mostly because of my love affair with all things technological. Even on our hike, I had my iPhone attached to my head. I also have a hate affair with sleeping, so windy, raccoony conditions aren't my ideal. I am such a wuss, I had to sleep in the car. I have an amazing boyfriend who slept, and slept uncomfortably, I might add, in the car with me. I don't think he wanted the one armed maniac to bust through the window and grab me =). Suffice to say, I don't like camping. I like taking pictures and leaving. That's about it.
The others, I think enjoyed it. Well, I think Elijah and I feel the same way, but Shay and Casey are good and happy campers.
Although I don't really know how to light a fire or pitch a tent or properly store food away from animals, I did enjoy our trip. I like having no agenda, being up close to nature's face, and eating smore's (even though campfire smoke is attracted to my face). In conclusion, I do like camping if it is not too cold and I have trailer. Thank you for your time
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