Monday, April 13, 2009

Conception of the Blog 4/7/09

Food obsession, anyone? I think I have problems with this. It is almost embarrassing, okay it legitimately is embarrassing how predictable I am when it comes to food. I am always dieting, dieting, resisting the good stuff. And then nighttime comes. Or an emotional/stressful situation arises. Chocolate is my comfort, my happiness. I will attack some delicious carbs in bread form just about any day. Agh, then the guilt, followed by a promise to be “good”. See, I have problems. So I ordered a book online today for 1 cent about overcoming food obsession. Hopefully in two weeks or so I should have that problem nixed.
In a completely unrelated manner, Tash and I are contemplating the creation of a co-blog. She will write about music and I will write about books. Casey may write about movies, and Elijah about WOW. Well, we all know Elijah probably won’t do any writing. I just need to build up my confidence of other people reading (and perhaps critizing) my writing. Maybe I should buy a confidence-building book online…
